We, the members of the Local Federation 2343-District 916, Education Minnesota, National Education Association, and American Federation of Teachers, believing that the active participation of education personnel in the development of educational policy is essential for sound education in a democratic society, have joined together, as herein defined in this Constitution and Bylaws, for the purpose of exerting a collective and positive influence on education in the Intermediate School District 916.
Local Federation 2343-District 916 shall provide a united voice for public education, leadership in education, innovation, dedication to Minnesota students and families, and an unwavering commitment to the welfare of our members.
Local Federation 2343-District 916 shall be a local organization that provides unstinting professional service to its members by building and maintaining a strong, effective local. Local Federation 2343-District 916 shall be committed to democracy in the workplace and within the organization.
If any provisions of this constitution and bylaws conflict or violate the constitution and bylaws of Education Minnesota, NEA or AFT, the provisions of the state and national organizations shall supersede those contained herein.
In order to preserve and promote professional expertise, it is the mission of Local 2343 to provide fair and equal representation to all members, through mutual cooperation and commitment to the union process.
The Local Federation 2343-District 916 is affiliated with Education Minnesota, the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association in accordance with the provisions of the constitution and bylaws of these bodies. Individuals will be members of Education Minnesota, the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association.
Section 1: The Local #2343 union shall remain in good standing in regard to dues payment and general compliance with the rules and regulations of the above organizations.
Section 2: Whenever the affiliated organizations increase their dues to the Local #2343, the Executive Board shall have the right to pass these costs on to the Local #2343 members in the form of increase dues payment. This is in accordance with Article IV, section 6 of the AFT Constitution.
Membership in the Education Assistant Federation Local 2343-Northeast Metro 916 Intermediate School District shall be in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of Education Minnesota, NEA, and AFT. The membership year shall be September 1 through August 31. No one shall hold office in Local Federation 2343-District 916 who is not an active member of Education Minnesota, NEA, and AFT.
The terms and duties of the officers shall be established in the bylaws.
The governance structure shall be made up of the elected officers, representative council members and others as established in the bylaws.
The LOCAL FEDERATION 2343-DISTRICT 916 Constitution may be amended by a vote of the membership.
1. Proposed changes to the Constitution must be made in writing to the Executive Board sixty (60) days in advance of a regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
2. The Executive Board will review the proposed changes and, upon their approval, submit the proposed changes to the membership for a vote. If the Executive Board does not approve the proposed changes, then a written petition signed by a minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the membership will be sufficient to submit the proposed changes to the membership for a vote.
3. A thirty (30) day written notice concerning the proposed changes will be sent to the membership prior to the vote.
4. Changes will require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those members voting. The changes shall become effective immediately unless a provision in the amendment provides for it to take effect at a later time.
1. The Executive Board shall meet on or about the third Wednesday of each month
August through May. The president shall prepare and circulate a tentative Agenda at least three days prior to each regular meeting.
2. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be held at the call of the president or at the request of ten members of the Board. Business to come before such meetings must be stated in the call which shall be sent in writing to each member of the Board.
3. The Executive Board shall arrange at least one general membership meeting each year for the discussion of professional issues. The date, location, and agenda shall be sent to all members of the union at least two weeks prior to the meeting. A general membership meeting may also be held by request of the Representative Council or on petition of twenty-five percent of the membership. The petition shall include the reason for the meeting and shall be presented to the president. The president shall promptly make arrangements for the meeting and notify all members of the union.
State and national dues will be assessed in accordance with the dues categories and policies of Education Minnesota, AFT, and NEA.
Local membership dues shall be determined by Local Federation 2343-District 916 in the following manner: The Executive Director will submit an annual budget to the Executive Board no later than the May meeting. A majority vote of the Executive Board is required to approve the budget and set the local dues for the following year.
1. President: The president shall preside over meetings of the Executive Board and the general membership and shall be the chief executive officer of the union. The president shall represent the union and its members to the School Board of Intermediate District 916 and before the public, either personally or through delegates. The president shall appoint the chair-persons and members of all standing committees, appoint all special committees and shall be a member ex officio of all committees. The president shall perform all other functions usually attributed to this office.
2. Vice-President: The vice-president shall act for the president in the president’s absence. The vice-president shall serve as the chief negotiator for all contract issues. The vice-president shall be a member ex officio of all standing committees and shall perform all other functions usually attributed to this office.
3. Immediate Past President: The immediate past president shall advise the
Executive Board and assist the president at the president’s request. The past president will preside over the elections committee. Should the immediate past president no longer be employed in the district, or be unwilling to preside over the committee, the president shall, with the approval of the executive board, appoint a different member to preside over the elections committee.
4. Executive Director: The Executive Director shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the
Executive Board and of the general membership, shall maintain the official files and shall assist the president and communications director with union correspondence.
The Executive Director shall be the financial officer of the union. The Executive Director shall maintain all financial records, disburse funds upon authorization of the Executive Board and transmit dues to Education Minnesota. The Executive Director shall prepare an annual financial statement for publication to the members as directed by the Executive Board. The Executive Director shall keep the president informed as to the financial condition of the union. The ED shall be bonded by the union. The Executive Director shall act as chairperson of any budget committee that may be formed and submit an annual budget. The Executive Director will see that an annual audit is completed.
1. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the management of the union. It shall adopt the budget, set the dues for the union, and approve all expenditures, act on reports of committees, approve resolutions and other policy statements and carry out policies of the union. It shall report its decisions to the members and shall take appropriate action on matters referred to it by the members.
2. The Executive Board shall develop and conduct workshops and training programs for representatives and committee chairpersons.
3. Powers not specifically delegated to the officers or other groups in the union shall be vested in the Executive Board.
Election Procedures: All elections shall be governed by applicable state and federal laws.
1. Each member must receive at least 15 days notice of the procedures and dead-lines to file as a candidate for the election and the date, time, and place of the election.
2. Every member must have a fair and equal opportunity to participate in the election without unreasonable impediments.
3. Voting must be by secret ballot, but may be electronic
4. In a contested election, candidates must be allowed to station observers at the polling places.
5. Representatives of the competing candidates should be allowed to observe, but not actually participate in, the counting of ballots.
6. The used, unused and challenged ballots; the envelopes used to return ballots; and other documents related to the election should be safely stored for one year in case there is a challenge to the election.
7. No union funds may be used to support any candidate.
8. The union should comply with reasonable requests to distribute campaign literature at the candidate’s expense.
9. Candidates have the right to inspect the membership list once within 30 days prior to the election. No candidate can have preferential access to the list.
10. There shall be an open nomination process for all elections.
11. If there is only one candidate for a position, the election for the position may be waived and the candidate declared elected. In order to waive such an election a reasonable period of time must have been provided for nominations and there shall be no provision allowed for write-in votes for any election.
1. Nominations:
- Prior to the regular January meeting of the Executive Board each year, either the past president or presidential appointee (with board approval) shall commence his/her duties as Chair of the elections committee. No officer may serve on this committee. The committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for union office. Nominations from the membership shall be accepted by the committee until the regular March meeting of the Executive Board.
B. The Elections chair shall report the names of all candidates to the Executive Board at its regular March meeting.
C. The elections chair shall provide members with written information on each candidate.
2. Balloting:
A. On or about the second Tuesday in April each year, members shall vote for officers by secret ballot in accordance with procedures developed by the Committee on Elections and approved by the Executive Board.
B. The committee will collect and count all officially marked ballots and report the results to the president who will have them published.
C. New officers will be installed at the regular May meeting of the Executive Board.
3. Terms of Office:
A. The term of office of the president shall begin at the May Executive Board
and end at the May Executive Board meeting 5 years later.
President-Election in years ending in 0 and 5
B. The terms of vice-president shall begin at the May Executive Board meeting and shall last for 5 years.
Vice President-Election in years ending in 2 and 7
C. The term of the immediate past president shall begin at the conclusion of his/her term.
D. The Members Rights Officers will have a 3 year rotation.
E. Representative Council Members shall be selected yearly. Representative Council Members shall have no term limits. *For the 2013-2014 school year the executive board shall establish in May 2013, core members to the representative council to promote and ensure the success of the council in upcoming year.
1. Vacancies occurring during the term of an officer shall be filled by presidential appointment with the approval of the Executive Board.
2. A vacancy in the office of president shall be filled by the vice president who shall serve the remainder of the term.
3. If there is no vice president, a vacancy in the office of president shall be filled by a special election at the direction of the Executive Board.
Section1: The Local #2343 membership shall meet at least once annually during the school year at the time and place designated by the Executive Board. Other meetings may be called at the discretion of the President or by a majority resolution of the Executive Board.
Section 2: Each full paying member shall be entitled to one vote in the Local #2343 meetings or ballot when necessary. No individual member shall act in more than one capacity as a voting member.
Section 3: During meetings of the Local #2343 membership, the members present shall constitute a quorum.
There shall be two standing committees: Negotiations and Member Rights. The President shall appoint chairpersons of these committees. The President may form other committees and appoint a chair as needed, with approval of the Executive Board.
The Negotiations Committee:
The Negotiations Committee shall be chaired by Vice-President.
During school years in which a contract ratification vote is to take place, the Executive Board shall also function as a Negotiations Committee. This committee shall act as a bargaining advisory committee to the negotiations team and shall forward, via simple majority vote, a tentative contract to the general membership for a ratification vote.
Member Rights Committee:
If called upon by the President or Member Rights Officer, the Executive Board shall also function as a Member Rights Committee. Both the Officers and the committee (if called upon) shall have the responsibility of assisting in the processing of grievances on matters affecting members rights, and informing members of their rights and responsibilities under statute and the master contract.
Representative Council:
The body within Local 2343 in which representatives from all programs come together to discuss issues relating to all aspects of EA training, safety, daily performance and policies affecting their work environment and professional development. Minimally four yearly meetings will be held.
The Representative Council is headed by two Council Officers. They preside over Council meeting, organize all Council activities, serve as the ex-officio chairs of all Representative Council Committees, and represent the membership to the Executive Board.
Each Program will elect a Representative Council committee member. District committee members and the Membership Rights Chairs will hold seats on the Representative Council at large.
The Program Council Rep is the vital communication link between Executive Board and district programs. They are responsible for bringing concerns and ideas of the membership to the Representative Council in the form of resolutions, idea worksheets, or comments during the meeting. Program representatives will receive monthly email newsletter which outlines upcoming Local 2343 events, opportunities for further involvement, and provides important information to disseminate to their colleagues. Below is a quick list of yearly expectations.
Attend both the fall and spring Representative Council meetings. The representative is responsible for encouraging membership among fellow EA’s by educating others about the many benefits associated with union membership and the importance of becoming active & involved in the district.
Provide Representative Council Meeting updates and feedback to your program after attendance and participation. Program representatives are expected to be knowledgeable about Local 2343 and current issues in their programs.
Program Rep council members are entitled to mileage to and from representative council meetings
A majority of members present shall be a quorum for all meetings of the Executive Board and committees.
The Local Federation 2343-District 916 Bylaws may be amended by a vote of the membership.
1. Proposed changes to the Constitution must be made in writing to the Executive Board thirty (30) days in advance of the regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
2. The Executive Board will review the proposed changes and, upon their approval, submit the proposed changes to the membership for a vote.
3. A thirty (30) day written notice concerning the proposed changes prior to the vote.
4. Changes will require a simple majority of those members voting. The changes shall become effective immediately unless a provision in the amendment provides for it to take effect at a later time.
Provisions not included in the Constitution and By-laws concerning the governing of Local Federation 2343-District 916 shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
1. Disciplinary action, in the form of censure, suspension or permanent expulsion, shall not be taken against any member except for cause. Cause shall relate to conduct prejudicial to the purposes of the Local Federation 2343-District 916 which may include any one or more of the following:
A. Failure to remain a member in good standing with District 916, Education Minnesota, National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers.
B. Violation of a local policy in crisis situations affecting the entire school district.
C. Other good and sufficient cause whereby the conduct of the member would be prejudicial to the purposes of the local.
2. Such action shall be initiated by a complaint of a majority of the officers of the Executive Board, with written notice to the member of the proposed action to be taken and the reasons thereof. Such notice shall also include the statement that the member has ten (10) calendar days in which to request a hearing before the Executive Board, or a special discipline committee, at which the member is entitled to a representative of his/her choice to answer the charges and examine those making them.
3. The hearing will be private or public at the choice of the member being disciplined, and the decision, by a simple majority, shall be communicated, in writing, to the member, accompanied by a memorandum of findings of fact, within ten (10) days of the close of the hearing. A tie vote shall indicate no action will be taken.
4. Any member censured, suspended, or expelled under these provisions shall have the right of appeal to the full membership or representative assembly, if applicable, within ten (10) days of receipt of the decision. The appeal hearing shall be presided over by the president who shall grant a procedure which includes witnesses and right of cross-examination. A quorum shall be present. The decision shall be made by secret ballot with a simple majority of the membership present and voting. In the case of a tie, with the president voting, no action shall be taken.
5. Action to expel or suspend shall be communicated to Education Minnesota.
6. A member who is expelled or suspended from membership in the local shall have the right of appeal to the Education Minnesota Governing Board in accordance with such policies and procedures as the Board may adopt.
7. Appeal to the American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association shall be governed by the policies and procedures adopted by the AFT and NEA.
8. Lawsuits. No person shall initiate a civil action suit or proceeding in any court against the local or any of its officers, members, or employees on account of any discipline unless such person has exhausted the remedies of hearing and appeal as provided in this Constitution.
1. The ratification of the Master Contract between the Local Federation 2343-District 916 and the Intermediate District 916 Schools, shall take place at a general membership meeting called for that purpose. The vote shall be conducted by secret ballot and all members of the local shall have the right to vote. A simple majority of those voting is necessary to approve the contract.
A. If the contract ratification meeting takes place while teachers are involved in a strike, all members of the bargaining unit who participate in the strike shall be eligible to vote on the proposed master contract. A majority of those voting is necessary to approve the contract.
B. If a tentative agreement is reached at a time when school is not in session, the president or an appropriate officer available shall be authorized to call a meeting for the purpose of ratifying the proposed agreement. A notice of the meeting shall be mailed to the membership within thirty (30) days of the tentative agreement. The meeting shall be held no later than ten (10) days after the date of the notice. Included with the notice will be an outline of the negotiated changes in the Master Contract.
A secret ballot vote on the proposed agreement shall be held at this meeting. Members who are unable to attend the meeting may vote by the absentee ballot provided with the meeting notice. All ballots from the meeting and all absentee ballots received by the date of the meeting will be counted at this general meeting. A majority of those voting is necessary for approval of the agreement.
C. In the event that a contract cannot be reached between the Local Federation 2343-District 916 and the Intermediate District 916 School, the Local Federation 2343-District 916 shall conduct a strike vote at its discretion. Such strike vote shall be conducted at a general membership meeting called expressly for that purpose. The vote for a strike shall be by secret ballot. Sixty-six percent (66%) of the membership must vote their approval of a strike action.
D. If a general membership meeting has been called for the purpose of ratifying the contract and the contract is rejected as set forth in Part 1, the Local Federation 2343-District 916 may conduct a strike authorization vote, at this meeting, as set forth in Part 2.
E. During a strike or in the event of an emergency, the Executive Board shall have the authority to establish time lines for notification and balloting.
- The Education Minnesota Crisis Fund Guidelines require that two-thirds (2/3) of the membership vote their approval of a strike action.
The Constitution and By-laws shall be made available to all new and returning members. Other copies shall be made available via the local web page to all members and in hard copy upon request.
This Constitution and by-laws were revised 4/15/13 by the Education Assistant Federation Local #2343, Education Minnesota, American Federation of Teachers, and National Education Association.
Definition of Membership
The purpose of this Section is to define full versus fair share members and to outline the procedures for encouraging new employees to become full members of this local.
FULL MEMBER - pays annual dues that are deducted from payroll checks in equal installments. Full members are entitled to: $1, 000, 0000 liability insurance from the American Federation of Teachers for job related accidents, Option to join the Teacher Federal Credit Union, Run for or hold union office,
Vote on issues brought before the Local Union membership or in elections of union officers, Vote for or against a strike, any other services offered by Education Minnesota, AFT and NEA.
FAIR SHARE MEMBER – Pays annual dues of 85% of full member dues, which are deducted from payroll checks in equal installments.
The fair share member is NOT entitled to any of the full member benefits.
This policy voted on by the Education Assistant Federation Local #2343 Executive Board, covers membership of new education assistants into the Local Union.
This specific procedure is as follows:
The Executive Director will inform site council representatives of any new or returning Education Assistants to District #916 from the #916 Board Notes. Once informed, the Executive Director shall immediately send membership packets to the site council representative. Also, the site council representative shall make immediate personal or telephone contact to further inform the Education Assistant of Local Union membership and answer any questions they might have. The following information will be included in each membership packet:
Full versus fair share member letter
District #916 payroll deduction form
Address information request form.
General heading letter
Education Minnesota Application Form
Once the information has been sent, the Education Assistant shall have 7 days to respond. If the Local Union has not received a response in 7 days and if the Education Assistants name is not on the 916 payroll deduction printout a fair share notice including a fair share fee assessment sheet, a fair share CD, and the Education Assistant Federation/Local 2343 financial statement and budget will be mailed to the Education Assistant’s home address. The School District Payroll Department will be instructed to begin deducting fair share dues after 30 days of mailing.
Members on the Negotiations Team and the Executive Board shall receive compensation for their work during the year under the following conditions.
- No other district compensation method will be used along with this.
- Union members using private vehicles with the approval of the Executive Board in travel on union businesses may be reimbursed per mile at the rate set at the beginning of the school year by the Executive Board.
- The Executive Director will issue checks as soon as possible to those members indicated.
- The Negotiations Team shall be compensated during the year in which they participate in contract negotiations.
The maximum payments for specific positions are as follows:
- President Twice the amount of union dues + Technology Budget
- Vice-President Union dues plus Negotiation Chair + Technology Budget
- Executive Director $8.00 an hour, not to exceed $950.00/year +Union Dues
- Members Rights Officers Union dues
- Communications Officer ½ Union dues
- Technology Assistant ½ Union dues
- Negotiations Committee Member $400.00/pro-rated based on attendance
Other compensation payments may be voted on for members of this union of service given, by the majority vote of the Executive Board or by a majority vote of the Local Union during any regular meeting.
- Preside at all meetings of the Executive Board or Local Union.
- Be ex officio members of all committees.
- Sign all necessary papers and documents.
- Represent the Local Union when and where necessary.
- Make a report to the Local each year summarizing the accomplishments of the union and outlining the goals and plans for the next year.
- Prepare agendas for both Executive Board and Local Union meetings.
- Hold Executive Board meeting a minimum of once a month
- Hold Full Membership Union meetings once a year
- Oversee the Local Union’s and Union Officer’s obligations as found in the Union Officer Duties and Constitution.
- Attend all Executive Board meetings and Local Union meetings.
- Participate on Negotiations Committee during contract negotiation years.
- Other duties as requested.
- Perform all duties of the President in his/her absence.
- Meet with district and/or insurance representatives concerning the insurance needs of the Local Union.
- Shall be responsible for all duties of the Chief Negotiator.
- Gather ideas from the general membership and Rep. Council for Meet and Confer meetings with the district.
- Organize and arrange Meet and Confer committees meeting with district Representatives.
- Report the results of these meeting to the Executive Board.
- Attend all Executive Board and Local Union meetings.
- Have a working knowledge of Roberts Rules of Order, Revised.
- Other duties as requested.
Executive Director
- Issue notices and answer correspondence at the direction of the Executive Board.
- Attend all Executive Board and Local Union meetings.
- Record attendance of Executive Board members at such meetings.
- Receive record and deposit in the name of the Local Union all monies from dues and other sources.
- Keep a current membership roll, which declares both full and fair share members.
- Forward all per capita dues and current membership lists to
- Education Minnesota and to other affiliated organizations as requested.
- Keep adequate records available at all times for the Executive Board.
- Report the following at each Executive Board meetings:
- current checking account balance
- checks written and money received since last report
- changes in full and fair share membership status
- changes in membership rolls
- Other duties as requested.
- Represent the interests of Education Assistants at all Executive Board and Local Union meetings.
- Keep union members informed of all upcoming meetings.
- Answer questions and be informed of current issues, conferences and workshops.
- Distribute meeting minutes or other letter to Education Assistants in specified buildings when necessary.
- Hold periodic meeting for open communications.
- Contact new employees with union information.
- Complete Members Rights and Grievance Training
- Other duties as requested.
- The Negotiations Team shall be Chaired by the Vice president
- The Negotiating Team shall consist of the President, Vice President, and at least three other members selected from the bargaining unit at large prior to the contract end date.
- Final appointment/approval of the negotiating team members will be made by the Executive Board, taking into consideration the following:
- Non-probationary members with the district.
- Equitable representation of all building sites.
- Member’s ability to commit to extensive and changing schedules.
- Members with conflict resolution skills and qualifications that they may bring to the team.
- All things being equal the Executive Board shall vote by ballot to select the Negotiating Team members.
- Members of the negotiating team shall be compensated as set forth in Article II.
Procedures for filing grievances between Local 2343 and School District 916 shall follow District and Local policy. The specific procedure is as follows:
- After initial incident has occurred, the grievant should contact an Executive Board member.
- If requested, the grievant should complete a Grievance Information Form supplied by Executive Board member and return it within 24 hours.
- The Executive Board member first contacted by the grievant shall discuss the possible grievance with the Local President.
- The President will initiate filing the Level I grievance after determining merit and seeking consultation on the matter.
- No Level II, Level III or Arbitration decisions should be made without majority approval from the Local Executive Board.
Section 1: The following officers must be elected but are not limited to these positions starting in 2010 the President and Vice President will have a 5 year rotation:
1. President-Election in years ending in 0 and 5
2. Vice President-Election in years ending in 2 and 7
3. The Members Rights Officers will have a 3 year rotation
(as current MROs terms expire the seats will open to at large, with no site having more than one)
There will be 4 Member Rights Officers: only one MRO will be permitted per site.
Sites included are South Campus, Valley Crossing, Capital View and Transition.
- Communications Director shall be selected and appointed by the executive board.
- Technology Assistant shall be selected and appointed by the executive board.
- The Executive Director will be interviewed, hired and supervised by the Executive Board.
This constitutes the Executive Board.
LJ/Executive Director